All posts filed under: Unofficial Maps

Historical (Unofficial?) Map: Transit of Sofia, Bulgaria, 2009

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Historical Maps, Unofficial Maps

Well, this is a bit of a mess, isn’t it? It looks like the map’s designers have attempted to represent the network isometrically, with the city’s grand avenues surrounding the historical central core. However, the whole thing’s just so darn busy that the attempted illusion just doesn’t work. Almost every part of the map is filled with something: labels, logos, clip art, photos of landmarks, even randomly-placed pictures of trams! I’m guessing that the map […]

Submission – Unofficial Map: New York Subway and Bus “Bullet Map” by Anthony Denaro

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Unofficial Maps

Submitted by Anthony, who says: You reviewed my map of the Long Island Rail Road a few years ago. Your critiques and your blog have helped me in pushing forward on my current project, a unified Subway and Bus Map, I’m calling it the Bullet Map, named after the nickname for the circle subway route indicators. I launched it a month ago with a Medium post explaining methodology.  What do you think of it? Transit Maps says: Anthony’s actually been keeping […]

Jake Berman’s Unofficial New York Subway Map – on a Wall!

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Unofficial Maps

A wall-sized New York Subway map! Despite initial appearances, this is not based off the Vignelli map; rather, it appears to be a slightly modified or newer version of this map from Wikipedia. Anyone know an exact location for this? Update: New information and a link to a story on Gothamist about this building, which is completely subway themed! The building is at 132A Stanhope Street in Brooklyn if you want to find it yourself. […]

Unofficial Map: Miami-Dade Metrorail and Metromover by Peter Dovak

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Unofficial Maps

I love it when people take my criticism of a map and use it as inspiration to come up with an alternative solution. Having seen my recent review of the new official map (October 2016, 1.5 stars), Peter took it upon himself to redesign it – and quickly, taking less than a day to come up with his version.  Peter obviously agreed with a lot of my concerns about the official map, because he’s addressed […]

Kickstarter Project – “One Metro World” Book by Jug Cerovic

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Unofficial Maps

Jug Cerovic – whose work has been featured many times on Transit Maps – has decided to collect all 40 maps designed using his “INAT” design language into one very handsome printed volume, funded – as many self-published books are these days – by a Kickstarter campaign.  It’s not just the maps, though: there’s a comprehensive introduction to the philosophy behind the maps (which I have read and enjoyed), as well as annotations and thoughts on […]

Submission – Unofficial reworking of the UTA FrontRunner Strip Map by Jeromiah Drennan (and me)

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My Transit Maps, Unofficial Maps

Submitted by Jeromiah, who says: After the post about the new Frontrunner map (August 2016, 2.5 stars), inspiration came to make one of my own. My map has what was mentioned: TRAX connections, bus connections, and Greyhound (but not Amtrak, If you look at Salt Lake Central on my map you’ll see why) I took out the the lines and changed the north and south pointers. I made the purple line dashed between Ogden and Pleasant […]

Submission: Unofficial Map – Routes of the Great Western Railway by Xsanda

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Unofficial Maps

Submitted by the map’s creator, who says: This is a route map of the GWR network. It’s my first time creating a transit map with Illustrator, so I’m open to any feedback! Transit Maps says: This is a pretty good first effort! In a way, this is a throwback to old railway maps, in that it shows where the trains travel, but not how they do so – individual routes aren’t indicated, so it’s impossible […]

Submission – Unofficial icon-only version of the Mexico City Metro Map by Abbendymion

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Unofficial Maps

Submitted by the creator, who says: I want to share with you my version of ‘icon-only’ Mexico City subway map. Well, technically not a ‘transit map’ and more like a graphical arrangement of icons in topologic order, I was inspired by an earlier post showing Richard Archambault’s work and then looked up for the early Lance Wyman diagrams from the late 60’s that arranged the icons in the same way. After more lines were built, […]

Submission – Rail from Schönefeld Airport to Central Berlin by Robert Aehnelt

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Unofficial Maps

Submitted by Robert, who says: 6 Month ago the german railway (DB), section Berlin, ask me to make a map. They saw my works on Wikipedia and gave me the job to create a transit map which help visitors to find the right way form Schönefeld airport to Berlin city. Schönefeld (SXF) is the old East-Berlin airport, which should be closed when the new airport (BER) opens. But since we have a couple of little […]