Submission – Unofficial Map: Minsk Metro, Belarus by Ilya Birman, Ivan Zviahin and Konstantin Evstratenko

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Unofficial Maps

If you ever do a Google image search for the map of the Minsk Metro, you’ll quickly find out that there are a lot of dreary, hackneyed and downright terrible versions of it – both official and unofficial. Despite the simplicity of its X-shaped two-line system (with a third in the works), it just doesn’t seem to inspire good design work.

Until now. 

Ilya Birman – whom Transit Maps has featured a number of times previously – has teamed up with designers Ivan Zviahin and Konstantin Evstratenko to create this absolutely beautiful map, which I totally adore.

The centre of the city is shown geographically, while the outer reaches are shown diagrammatically. This isn’t an unusual technique, but this take on it is particularly stylish, with beautifully rendered grey isometric illustrations of major landmarks (just look at the work put into the stadium!) and a lovely rendition of the city’s waterways and parkland. The soft gradient shadow behind the central circle really helps to lift it out from the background.

More unusually, the map doesn’t have a legend – non-obvious elements are labelled in place as needed, which helps to keep the design nice and clean. Dots in the central part indicate the location of station entrances from the street; a very nice touch. The halftone dot effect used to indicate the future Green Line is attractive, subtle and not something I’ve seen before, but it works really well. 

Ilya’s reused his directional station finder index from his 2013 Moscow Metro map: on a simple system like this, it’s very effective – just follow the arrows to find your station!

Our rating: On his website, Ilya states that the goal of this project was to “design [a] Minsk Metro map for other cities to be jealous of”, and I think he’s definitely succeeded. Head on over to check out the design process and some lovely detailed images of the map’s elements. 5 well-earned stars.

Source: Ilya Birman

New Yorker Cover, March 5th, 2012 – “Second Ave Line” by Roz Chast

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A classic New Yorker cover, showing the much-maligned Second Avenue Subway (still five years from completion of even Phase 1 at the time of publication) wending its way past a series of increasingly unlikely stations. Papua New Guinea, Saturn and the Yukon Territories are my favourites. 

Historical Map: A Progress Report on the Interstate Highway System, 1961

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Historical Maps

A great old map on a subject matter very dear to my heart – the Interstate Highway System. Produced in 1961 by the Caterpillar Tractor Company, who stood to gain a great deal in the construction work required to complete the network, it shows the proposed completed network in white, sections under construction with blue dashes, and – somewhat counter-intuitively – sections that are open to traffic in red.

It’s immediately apparent how little of the system has been built to this point, some five years after the original Federal Aid Highway Act was signed into law. A beautifully formatted table to the right – look at those wonderful hanging tenths of a mile! – breaks down exactly how much work remains to be done on a state-by-state basis. Note also the original numbering of many of the highways: what is currently I-84 from Portland, Oregon to Echo, Utah is labelled as I-80N, for example. The rather breathless copy at the top of the map is worth a read as well, as it exhorts the nation to get this thing done! 

“After all, if we don’t do it… who will?”

Our rating: An awesome map about the history of Interstate Highways? What’s not to love? Four stars.

See also my subway map of the Interstate Highway system.

Source: Cornell University Library

Historical Map: Nuclear Weapons Complex Transportation Routes, 1988

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Historical Maps

Here’s an unusual use of transit map design principles – a map produced by the Radioactive Waste Campaign in 1988 of the routes used to transport nuclear materials and waste around the United States. This diagrammatic approach actually works very well here – as the legend to the map says:

The origin and destination of these routes are well known. However, because of government secrecy, the exact path of these routes is conjectured.

Without the need to show actual routings along real highways, the map is free to simplify things as needed. I’m not quite sure why the routes still take wobbly paths across the country when straight lines would look so much cleaner. The routes could also use a few more directional arrows to make it explicit which direction materials are travelling in. Some of the longer lines are hard work to follow from one end to the other! The little loop from Sandia to Los Alamos in New Mexico is pretty niftily done, and the color scheme is suitably dramatic – the strident magenta background really helps the map pop.

Our rating: Transit map as anti-nuclear infographic! Three stars.

Source: David Rumsey Map Collection

Fantasy Map: Major Rivers of the United States by Theodore Rindos

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Fantasy Maps

The early history of the United States is filled with explorers and pioneers making use of rivers as “rapid transit” to quickly travel through otherwise inhospitable or unknown lands. So it makes sense that someone would attempt to show this network in the simplified form of a subway map, and here is one such example by Theo Rindos.

Of course, such a map instantly puts me in mind of Daniel Huffman’s superb series of river/subway maps, but Daniel’s series concentrates more on individual watersheds than the USA as a whole and is a very different beast.

Overall, the map is quite attractive and the comprehensive legend is useful and informative. However, the inclusion of some of the rivers on the map seems somewhat arbitrary to me – most of the “main line” rivers seem to be chosen in order of descending main branch length, but then the Yellowstone River is included instead of a large number of longer rivers. The secondary list of “bus routes” similarly skips quite a few rivers, possibly with the intent of including maps like the Hudson and Sacramento in regions that lack longer rivers. 

This does have the result of producing a nicer-looking network which spans the entire country, but at the cost of making sense of the underlying data (which is missing certain longer rivers simply because they couldn’t fit). The inclusion of all three parts of the Platte River is particularly noticeable in this regard as they obviously are there to create a “connecting bus service” between the Colorado and Missouri Rivers.

Also a little odd is Theo’s two-letter abbreviation for each line, which insists on using “R” for “river” as the second letter. This gives us the non-useful designation of “UR” for the Columbia River, as the Colorado has already taken the more obvious “CR”. A better approach would be to use the two-letter state abbreviations for those rivers that share a state’s name, and then more meaningful codes for the remaining rivers. Thus, the Colorado would be “CO”, and the Columbia could then perhaps be “CU” or “CR”.

Finally, Mountain Home, Idaho is some 12 miles distant from the Snake River – the nearest town of any size that actually sits on the river would actually be Glenns Ferry. I can’t comment on the accuracy of other city names further east.

Our rating: Cherrypicks the underlying data a bit to create a comprehensive network, but looks pretty nifty. Three stars.

Source: Reddit

Submission – Illustrated map of Qingdao Metro’s Line 3, China

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Official Maps

Submitted by Bailey, who says:

Here’s a map from of the Qingdao Metro for Line 3 – quite an interesting, stylistic one. For all the effort that went into the (quite brilliant) artwork, I’m surprised the station names are entirely unreadable near the city center.

Transit Maps says:

Despite the name, Line 3 is actually the first Metro line constructed in Qingdao, opening in two stages from 2015. In typical Chinese style, it’ll be joined by many more in just a few short years – by 2050, there will be 16 lines with a network length of some 836 kilometres (519 miles)!

Bailey’s right when he says that the illustration style is quite lovely, although one could argue that it’s presenting a very rose-tinted view of the city, with fields and trees shown everywhere as if in some bucolic pastoral idyll. What looks like a sunny beach in the bite-shaped area to the left is actually the city’s port –the seventh busiest in the world by volume handled. 

However, notable landmarks are incorporated nicely, including some of the old German colonial buildings from the late 19th century. Despite the busy feeling to the illustration style, the red route line stands out well, and the type isn’t quite as invisible as Bailey thinks.

Our rating: A rather pleasant little illustrated map, if just a little idealised. Three stars.

Source: Quingdao Metro website (link no longer active)

Historical Map: Manchester Ship Canal, England, c. 1928?

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Historical Maps

Not a “traditional” transit map, but it does show an important transportation network in a simplified strip map form, so that’s good enough for me! 

This absolutely gorgeous two-colour map straightens out all the kinks in the eponymous canal, presenting it as a dead straight line from one end to the other. The variable scale is indicated by the mile markers on either side of the map: the less interesting parts of the canal get condensed into very small spaces, while the important bits get more room (just like modern transit maps). 

Of particular note are the lovingly rendered bridges that cross the canal, each drawn individually and precisely. Their identifiable silhouettes act as landmarks along the canal, so this is a very nice touch.

The source of this map dates it at 1923, but it uses Gill Sans as its primary typeface. Gill Sans wasn’t released until 1928, so that date seems unlikely.

Our rating: Simply gorgeous. 5 stars!

Source: Cyber Badger

Historical Map: 1967 San Francisco Muni Rapid Transit Plan

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Historical Maps

I’m ever so slightly in love with this simple little map showing proposed rapid transit lines in San Francisco. There’s some lovely texture for the parkland, a nice vignetted effect for the coastline, and some great mid-century typography as well – all rather delightful! 

There’s a great information hierarchy as well, with buses being thin light blue lines, then trolley buses slightly thicker brown lines. Cable cars are shown by thin black lines that still appear visually stronger than trolley buses, and the proposed lines are unmissable thick black lines with stations clearly shown. There’s even a lovely little compass rose!

Our rating: A great example of a map doing sterling work with a judicious use of just a few colours, combined with a good information hierarchy. Four stars!

Source: Eric Fischer/Twitter

Submission – Official Map: Metro de Santiago, Chile, 2017

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Official Maps

Submitted by moon-monolith, who says:

This is the current map (as of May ‘17). This version has the definitive design for the newer lines under construction (Line 3 and Line 6). And finally, they’ve decided not to include the airport on the map, even tho’ there’s some rumors floating around that a planned extension of Line 1 or a new “Line 7” could reach it once and for all.

Transit Maps says:

This is a whole new look for the Santiago Metro diagram, previously reviewed in 2014 and 2012. The background is now grey, with a darker area representing the city proper. This works quite well, although the whole thing feels off-centred to me, with a large gap along the left edge of the page. 

The route lines are much thicker compared to the previous version, which is an improvement, although the new purple Line 6 takes a very wobbly path across the city to accommodate the slightly over-complex street grid that lies beneath the route lines. The long-overdue Line 3 finally makes an appearance on the map, though it’s still shown as under construction… beaten to the punch by the afore-mentioned Line 6.

I’m sad to see the removal of the BiciMetro and BiblioMetro icons, both of which seemed to me to be unique aspects of the Metro system (And yes, I checked – both programs are still running). And speaking of icons, is this map completely missing a legend?

Our rating: A new look that seems a little bolder and more confident than previous iterations. The street grid is a little fussy and overworked, but does the job. Loses some information about services compared to older maps. 3.5 stars.

Source: Metro de Santiago website (link no longer active)

Submission – Yorkshire Tourist Bus Map by Best Impressions

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Official Maps

Submitted by Ray, who says:

Here’s Best Impressions’ new tourist bus map for encouraging people to get out and about to explore Yorkshire using the Transdev bus network. The map is intended to highlight the richness of attractions and destinations in a pictorial style. It’s included in our our “Amazing Days in Yorkshire” leaflet, just released.

Transit Maps says:

While I don’t want to get in the habit of acting as a PR agent for various transit mapping/wayfinding companies, this attractive birds-eye map definitely caught my eye. It’s bright, colourful, and easy to understand, yet it’s also filled with enough interesting details to demand more detailed perusal.

The towns and sights of Yorkshire are shown with just enough unique detail to make them distinctive and easy to recognise, from the ruins of Whitby Abbey to the National Railway Museum in York, and more. I’m probably showing my age here, because I totally get the “Aidensfield Garage/police car” reference to the long-running TV series Heartbeat at Goathland.

If I have any minor quibbles, it’s that the perspective sometimes seems a little wonky and that – for me at least – everything looks a little too perfect due to the sharp vector-based illustration. A little bit of roughness and texture could perhaps have made things look a little less “shiny”.

Overall, though, I really quite like this map. In conjunction with the information in the accompanying leaflet, this provides a good overview of tourist-oriented bus services in and around Yorkshire. Also, you’ve gotta love Witchway and Bröntebus as names for routes! 3.5 stars!

Compare to this 1950s British Rail poster of Yorkshire.