Unofficial Map – Roman Metro and Suburban Rail Map by Dmitry Goloub

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Unofficial Maps

I’ve featured Russian information and type designer Dmitry Goloub’s superb re-imagining of the Milan Metro map previously (October 2013, 5 stars), and now he’s back with his rendition of rail transit in Rome. 

This is a commissioned map for the Welcome to Rome tourist magazine, and it’s certainly a step up from many unofficial maps featured in similar publications throughout the world (often, publishers don’t want to pay the licensing fees to use an official map and instead throw in a cheap knockoff that barely does the job). 

One limitation of the magazine’s format is immediately obvious – the printed page is set up to the A-series ratio (1:1.41), which necessitates some extreme horizontal compression of the network to fit on the page. Dmitry’s hexagonal grid helps his cause a bit here, as 60-degree angles don’t take up as much horizontal space as a standard 45-degree angle would. However, it’s very apparent that the diagram bears little relationship to the geographical reality of Rome – the new Metro C line is shown as heading south-east and then due south instead of its actual almost due east trajectory, while the suburban lines heading south out of Termini station have to take a massive (and imaginary) correctional dogleg to position themselves on the correct side of Metro Line A past Arco di Travertino station. This is certainly still very usable as a diagram of the network, but anyone expecting this map to be representative of the lie of the land – as tourists unfamiliar with the city might – could be in for a surprise. An addition of a “map not to scale” warning to the legend might help.

Interestingly, the map shows the Metro and suburban railways – and even the Vatican’s private railway line! – but not the tram network. In a diagram that’s already tight for space, showing all three modes probably wasn’t practicable, but I do wonder what the rationale behind including the less-likely-to-be-used-by-tourists suburban lines over the trams was.

Personally, I don’t think station names need to be listed twice when they have the same name, like Dmitry has done at Basilica San Paolo and EUR Magliana – it’s redundant and takes up extra space, making the map busier. I’m also undecided about the inclusion of his actual grid as a background element: it does add a nice texture to the map, but it also reveals where Dmitry has chosen not to adhere to the grid for both aesthetic and practical reasons. Looking at his choices here is quite interesting, as there’s quite a few places where elements are placed just a tiny bit off-kilter with the grid, especially when it comes to the fare boundary around the city limits.

I do really like Dmitry’s treatment of the River Tiber and the sea: the little boat off-shore is a lovely little icon, and the overall texture of the water is very pleasing. I also really appreciate that he’s created his own typeface for the map– dubbed Tiberino Sans – and that he’s used the classical inscriptions found on the monuments of Rome as his inspiration. This can lead to some dissonance between the “trajanesque” capital letters and the slightly condensed lower case characters, especially with the capital “Q” and “N” which are very wide in comparison. Overall though, it’s a nice, clean, modern typeface which suits the aesthetics of the map well.

Our rating: I feel like there’s a really nice diagram trying to break free of the limitations of the page format here. Still nicely readable and visually interesting. Three-and-a-half stars.

See also: The 2015 official ATAC map of rail transit in Rome.

Source: Dmitry’s portfolio website

Submission – 1952 Berlin S-Bahn Map Recreation by Jesse Jae Hoon Eisenberg

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Historical Maps

Submitted by Jesse, who says:

Inspired by your re-make of the Paris Metro maps, I went and re-made from scratch this map of Berlin from 1952. I used DIN Pro, which seemed like the closest match. I took a few liberties with some of the colors and symbols here and then, but for the most part I’ve tried to stick to the original as closely as possible. Would love to hear what you think!

Transit Maps says:

This is great work that seems to accurately follow the original map very closely (with a couple of notable exceptions that I’ll get too soon). 

Firstly – DIN is absolutely the right choice for the typeface, as that’s pretty much what was used originally. The name “DIN” actually refers to the Deutsches Institut für Normung (German Institute for Standardization), which defined the typeface – widely used for traffic, administrative and technical uses, especially in Germany – in DIN standard sheet 1451 (hence the common name for the font, DIN 1451) in 1931. The relatively coarse printing in the original map makes the letterforms look a little rougher than in Jesse’s version, but it’s basically exactly the same.

The first issue I have with Jesse’s version is his treatment of the borders between the four separate zones of the divided Berlin. He’s used some kind of stroked path for the wider, lighter part of the borders, which looks okay, except where the path folds back over itself, creating an unsightly overlapping effect. Studying the original map, I’m pretty certain that this lighter border is simply a 20- 30% tint of the full strength border olive colour, and that Jesse has misinterpreted the halftone dot pattern as his stroked path. His error is understandable though, given the low resolution of the source material.

My second gripe is with Jesse’s introduction of an extra colour (blue) to show the privat-und kleinbahnen (private and small railways). Part of the challenge in these historical recreations is working out exactly how they were originally printed and then emulating that with modern software and techniques. Printing was far more primitive back in the 1950s, and map designers had to make things work with limited colour palettes and dodgy registration. Looking at the original, I believe it was printed with five separate inks: red, green, and black, with brown for the U-Bahn and small railways, and what looks like olive for the sektorengrenze. The two types of minor railway were differentiated by different types of lines – the U-Bahn just had a solid line, while the small railroads were “ticked” along one side of the line – rather than by the introduction of a sixth colour, which would have increased both the expense and the technical challenges of printing the map.

I’d also say in passing that all of Jesse’s colours seem a little “blue” or “cold” – perhaps an overcorrection from the yellowed paper of the original? I’d definitely bring the red back to a standard M100 Y100 and warm the green up just a tad.

Overall, though – I really like this recreation and can definitely appreciate the effort that Jesse has put into it. Nice work!

Submission – Historical Map: South Shore Line Railfan Tour Brochure, 1939

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Historical Maps

Submitted by marmarinou – who runs a cool Tumblr dedicated to Chicago-area railroads and trains.

A very basic map of the South Shore Line between Chicago, IL and South Bend, IN appended to the back cover of a railfan tour brochure from 1939. The day-long tour of the line was organised by the Central Electric Railfans Association, which is still extant today. Check out the original source of the image (keep scrolling down) for the inside spread of the brochure detailing the day’s events – it was quite the itinerary!


Video: A Tube Map Made of Chocolates!

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Miscellany, Popular Culture

Ah, the Quality Street box of chocolates and toffees – a perennial Christmas gift from grandparents throughout the UK, Australia and elsewhere. Their brightly coloured wrappers lend themselves well to this little project: a recreation of the London Tube map made from individual chocolates laid end to end. 

Yes, it’s all a silly bit of festive fun, but there is actually some insight into the current state of the map when they’re laying out the Overground (at around 1:38). “There’s way too many Overground lines here,” says one team member, “A real mish-mash in East London; it’s all gone horribly wrong.” A fairly accurate summation of things, I think.

Source: – who note that they paid for the Quality Street chocolates themselves and that it is not a sponsored post.

Submission – Virginia Railway Express Commuter Rail Map, 2015

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Official Maps

Submitted by Edward Russell, whose photo of this map in situ can be seen here. Edward says:

Virginia Railway Express (VRE) updated their map with the addition of the Spotsylvania station on the Fredericksburg (red) line in November. It’s much cleaner than their former map, which included the numerous meanders on the lines and lacked clean 90-degree or 45-degree angles.

The new map is just straight lines with a clean 45-degree split where the Manassas (blue) line breaks off from the Fredericksburg line. I’d say it is a solid map for a simple system.

Transit Maps says:

“Solid” is a good word to describe this effort – it gets the job done: no more, no less. The routes are kept as simple as possible, the type (Gill Sans, deployed nicely) is clean as easy to read, and there’s an easy to comprehend legend.

Personally, I find the treatment of the Potomac a little uneven and wobbly. There are better ways to draw rivers in Illustrator than to make a path for each bank separately, such as drawing a single, central path and then using the Width tool or a width profile to make the path get evenly and gradually wider from one end of the path to the other.

I’m also not really thrilled with the way that the District Diamond has been laid on its side. It’s probably meant to reflect that the alignment of the Fredricksburg Line isn’t truly north-south, but it just looks odd on an otherwise diagrammatic map to rotate the diamond in an effort to match “reality” so closely.

Also of interest is the appropriation of the Washington DC Metro’s famous “target” interchange symbols for stations that are shared between the two VRE lines. Association by imitation?

Our rating: Unremarkable in many ways, but an improvement on what came before. Two-and-a-half stars.

Source: Official VRE website

Video: “Stations – A Quick Scan Through NYC” by Snowday

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Just a couple of glimpses of the subway map at the beginning, but I still love this short video featuring the stations of the New York Subway and the people who pass through it every day. Having just returned from a trip to the Big Apple, I wish I had the ability to capture the lifeblood of the city as well as this.

Source: Snowday/Vimeo

Photo: Cross-Stitch Transit Maps!

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Simply adorable cross-stitch versions of the (2025) Singapore MRT/LRT and London Underground (sans Overground lines) transit maps.

Source: Metafiktion/Instagram – link no longer active

Fantasy Future Map: Boston MBTA Commuter Rail North-South Link

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Fantasy Maps, Future Maps

A fairly rudimentary map used to promote a European S-Bahn-style central rail tunnel under Boston to link North and South stations and provide through-running commuter rail services. An interesting idea, although I’m not sure that Boston has quite recovered from the last tunnel they built just yet. 

The map is functional enough, but could perhaps benefit from a little more “zing” to help it be the true centrepiece of the campaign. Personally, I’d like to see a little more differentiation between the commuter rail lines and the intersecting “T” lines in the central tunnel. The route lines become a bit tangled as they enter and exit the central spine of the network, mainly because most of the routes seem to cross over from one side of the map to the other as they pass from north to south. People with more local knowledge than I could perhaps comment on the reasoning behind these operational patterns; the website the map comes from doesn’t shed much light on the subject.

Our rating: An interesting concept for the future of commuter rail in Boston, but a fairly lacklustre imagining of that bold future. Two stars.

Source: North South Rail Link website

Visualization – Subway Systems at the Same Scale by Neil Freeman

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Gift Guide, Visualizations

We’ve covered to-scale maps on Transit Maps before (See here and here), but I do really like this poster of every subway/rapid transit system in the world – 140 in all – to scale, organised by system size by Neil Freeman. Posters are available from his website for $20 plus postage – a late addition to the Holiday Gift Guide!

Source: Fake is the New Real

Unofficial Map: Mexico City Metro by Richard Archambault

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Unofficial Maps

Following on from my previous post, here’s an unofficial map for the Mexico City Metro that makes full use of the Lance Wyman icons. It’s designed by Richard Archambault, who also works on the essential Jetpack for WordPress.

As can be seen from the archival photo above, the Wyman design team explored a purely iconic treatment of the Metro map, apparently eschewing station names altogether. Admittedly, the system was much simpler back then, with only lines 1, 2 and 3 present in the mockup as shown on the wall.

As we know, the official map has since moved away from this approach and no longer features the icons at all. So what would a modern Mexico City Metro map that used icons look like? That’s what Richard’s map sets out to show, and it’s a surprising contrast to the disappointing official map. 

Richard has painstakingly vectorised all the icons (around 200 or so!) from the bitmap versions available on the STC’s website to use in the map, and I really appreciate the way that he’s made them big and bold – it’s certainly very evocative of Wyman’s original concept.

The “big and bold” approach almost forces the map into being more evenly spaced and less cramped in the centre of the map when compared to the official map – the icons always take up a certain amount of space, which in turn creates space around them. Richard also keeps his route lines as straight as possible, which suits the minimalist aesthetic of the map nicely. Yes, there’s some odd angles here and there, but I don’t really find them distracting in the context of the whole map. Richard also includes the Tren Ligero line in its entirety – nicely differentiated by placing its icons in circles – something the official map relegates to a vague arrow and caption.

The labelling of stations is perhaps a little pedestrian (a version with no labels at all like the Wyman concept would be interesting), and the line numbers at the end of each line could perhaps do with a little bit of differentiation from the station icons next to them. They’re the same size, shape and colour, and can be read as an extra station at first glance. Reducing them in size, or perhaps having them as white shapes with the text and a border stroke in the line colour could do the trick.

Best of all, Richard’s map has been featured in the new edition of Mark Ovenden’s Transit Maps of the World. Having gotten no response from the STC regarding inclusion of their official map, Mark reached out to Richard and basically commissioned him to update his map for use in the book. Awesome!

Our rating: Shows that an iconic approach to the Mexico City Metro is perfectly valid, and certainly produces a more attractive and usable map than the official one. Three stars!

Side note: I’ve only just noticed that the icon for the “Oceania” station is a kangaroo, while that of “Deportiva Oceania” is a koala with a soccer ball. Australia represent!