All posts tagged: light rail

Unofficial/Future Map: Denver RTD Rail Transit by Theo Ditsek

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Future Maps, Unofficial Maps

Having just complained about how depressingly average the new official Denver RTD rail map is (June 2015, 1.5 stars), it’s rather wonderful to see an unofficial map that raises the bar as much as this one by Theo Ditsek. Unlike the real map, this one has a pleasingly compact shape, compressing the outer reaches of the map while expanding the central part. It’s a classic diagrammatic transit map device, but it’s employed particularly well here, […]

Submission – Portland MAX Light Rail Yellow/Orange Line Interlining Graphic

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Official Maps, Visualizations

Submitted by Breck, who says: Here’s a neat little animated map and explanation that show how the new MAX Orange Line will tie into the rest of the system in downtown Portland. Like many other transit fans, I too have wondered how the Orange Line will work and why it won’t just be a simple extension of the Yellow Line. It is all explained here, and the reasoning seems to make pretty good sense. Transit […]

Submission – Future Official Map: Denver RTD Rail Map for 2016

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Future Maps, Official Maps

Submitted by Steve Boland, who says: Cameron, as long as you’re talking about the new Salt Lake City map, I thought you should know that Denver has just adopted a new, updated but unfortunately only slightly amended version of their map, which of course was/is nearly as comically awful as Salt Lake’s old map. I wish it were possible to shame them into shape. Transit Maps says: Oh dear.  Denver’s map has never been as […]

New Official Map: UTA Rail Services, Salt Lake City, 2015

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Official Maps

Sent my way by Mike Christensen. Long-time readers of Transit Maps will know that I have long deplored the abysmal quality of the UTA’s rail services map. I first reviewed it way back in July 2012 (where I awarded it one measly star), and things have only gone downhill from there.  By April 2013, I was calling it “the most embarrassing transit map in the U.S.” and gave it a big, fat ZERO. I basically pleaded for […]

Submission – Future Map: Edmonton LRT Network by Dan Lazin

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Future Maps, Official Maps

Submitted by Dan, who says: Hi! Just saw that you posted Edmonton’s long-term LRT network plan. That’s the engineering consultants’ version; I designed a nicer map on commission for the mayor’s office — with significantly more detail, based on the individual line plans — which you can see here. The city’s transportation site still uses the consultants’ version, but their advocacy site uses my redesign. (For some reason, though, they decided to crop the full […]

Submission – Future Map: Long-term LRT Network Plan, Edmonton, Canada

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Official Maps

Submitted by everythings-shiny-captain, who says: I live in Calgary, so I’m familiar with Calgary Transit’s “Route Ahead” plan to expand light rail and bus rapid transit services. Out of curiosity I searched for Edmonton Transit’s plan and found this terrible map of their light rail development plan. What is going on?! Transit Maps says: At first I thought this was just yet another poorly drawn, generic “future corridors” map and was wondering what the fuss was about… […]

Submission – Fantasy Map: Connecticut Metro by Nick Fabiani

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Fantasy Maps

Submitted by Nick, who says: I’ve attached my draft map of an imaginary rail system for Connecticut — if you have time, I’d love to get your feedback! We have little to nothing in the way of public transit that serves people who want to travel around and not just through Connecticut. We have some great bus systems (and our first BRT system!), but we’re served by rail lines that are used primarily for commuters […]

Historical/Unofficial Map: SF Muni Frequency Map, 1982 by Dennis McClendon

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Historical Maps, Unofficial Maps

Sent my way by Dennis, who says: Today’s offering is spurred by news of a new Muni map showing frequency of service. Here’s the one I created for personal amusement in 1982. As you can see, the technology was a bit more primitive: Rapidograph technical pens, a calligraphy pen, and crepe-paper tape on tracing paper.  The rest of the page (of a visitors guide I made for friends) was typewritten. Transit Maps says: Nice and simple – […]

Historical Map: Rapid Transit Plan for the Metropolitan Seattle Area, 1970

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Historical Maps

A look at another stalled attempt to get rapid transit up and running in Seattle, this time from 1970. A lot of the proposed alignments look very familiar, but they are often constrained by Seattle’s difficult geography. I see that they were thinking of running rapid transit over the I-90 floating bridge – quite the engineering feat even now, let alone over 40 years ago. Even now, it’ll be the first light rail track travelling […]

Submission – Unofficial Future Rail Map of Stockholm by Bernie Ng

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Future Maps, Unofficial Maps

Submitted by Bernie, whose Melbourne and Singapore maps have been featured previously on Transit Maps. Of this map, Bernie says: Attached is a map of the Stockholm railway network (including the metro system, trams, local railways and commuter railways operated by SL, and Arlanda Express). I got a bit of inspiration after a recent visit. I loved the original Stockholm subway map – it is an exercise of minimalist beauty. Just three colours, and dashed […]