All posts tagged: metro

Submission – Official Map: Montreal Metro Route Direction Map

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Official Maps

Submitted by Sean Hunt, who says: A (sadly, slightly blurry) image of the Montreal Metro’s maps on the platform, displaying clearly which direction the line is going as well as the time to each station along the way. Transit Maps says: A nice, clear way to integrate travel information for a single line into a system-wide map. Reducing the width of the lines for the other routes instantly raises the designated route (here, the Blue […]

Photo – Official Map: Prague Metro In-Car Strip Map

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Official Maps

Following on from the Lisbon commuter rail strip map feautured recently, here’s another excellent example, this time from Prague. Design-wise, it fits in well with the standard Metro/tram map, but is remarkable for its incredibly effective use of space. The three route lines fit beautifully into the space, and the interchanges between the lines in the centre of the map are simply gorgeous. The inclusion of icons for popular landmarks/attractions is welcome and useful (as […]

Submission – Historical Map: Amsterdam GVB Map by Hans van der Kooi, 1980s

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Historical Maps

Submitted by Alain Lemaire, who says: this map might interest you – in response to your blog post of Joan Zalacain’s Amsterdam tram map. It seems the 30/60 degree paradigm is indeed well suited to Amsterdam’s topological layout. Too bad this once official map is no longer in use today. Transit Maps says: Thanks to Alain for sending this beauty in! Simply put, this is lovely work. What I really like about this map is […]

Photo: Slope

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The Lyon Metro map (March 2012, 4 stars) on the platform at Croix-Paquet station – reputedly the steepest Metro station in the world, with a 17 percent grade! Although nominally part of Lyon’s Metro system, the “C” Line is really a refurbished rack-and-pinion funicular, with the earliest trains running as far back as 1891. Source: BrusselsBen/Flickr

Submission – Global Subway Spectrum by Nick Rougeux

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Submitted by Nick, who says: I’ve been following your blog for a little while now and have really enjoyed your posts on transit maps – both familiar and completely new to me. I’ve recently become interested in different ways of looking at maps from a data standpoint. I’ve attached a screenshot of a project I just released that I thought you or your readers may enjoy. It’s not a map or diagram but it’s a […]

Official Future Map: Los Angeles Metro Rail

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Future Maps

The Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Agency released a “under construction”  map yesterday, showing all the lines that are planned for the near future: Expo Line Phase 2, Gold Line Foothill Extension, the Crenshaw/LAX Line, Purple Line Extension and the ambitious downtown Regional Connector. Overall, the map fits quite well into the existing LA Metro design aesthetic, although the crowded downtown area is now starting to make the station labelling look a little cramped and […]

Historical Map: Indicateur d’Itinéraires, Paris, c. 2003

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Historical Maps

An old-school interactive Metro map in Paris. Simply press one of the 360 or so buttons underneath the map, and a path lights up from your current location to your chosen destination. Who needs a fancy touch screen kiosk? I particularly like the way that the furtherest reaches of the RER lines are compressed into diagrammatic form to allow the centre of Paris to be shown as large as possible. This particular example is still […]

Update: More Process Work Behind the New Moscow Metro Map

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Official Maps

As we reported late last month, the new Art Lebedev Studios Moscow Metro map is now in use around the system and on trains. One thing that the studio has been fantastic at right from the start is documenting the creative process, and they’re not finished yet. Over on their website is a wealth of behind the scenes information that shows how much work has been put into these beautiful maps. The map had to […]

Official Map: Everything Old is New Again for the Madrid Metro

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Official Maps

Over the weekend, Madrid rolled out a new map for its comprehensive Metro and light rail system. After six long and controversial years, the previous map (March 2012, 2.5 stars) – with everything reduced to severe 90-degree angles and very little spatial relationship to the real world – has been consigned to the dustbin. In its place, a new map that looks strangely familiar. The design of the map has returned in-house and Metro’s designers […]