All posts tagged: metro

Submission – Unofficial Map: Minsk Metro, Belarus by Ilya Birman, Ivan Zviahin and Konstantin Evstratenko

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Unofficial Maps

If you ever do a Google image search for the map of the Minsk Metro, you’ll quickly find out that there are a lot of dreary, hackneyed and downright terrible versions of it – both official and unofficial. Despite the simplicity of its X-shaped two-line system (with a third in the works), it just doesn’t seem to inspire good design work. Until now.  Ilya Birman – whom Transit Maps has featured a number of times […]

Submission – Illustrated map of Qingdao Metro’s Line 3, China

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Official Maps

Submitted by Bailey, who says: Here’s a map from of the Qingdao Metro for Line 3 – quite an interesting, stylistic one. For all the effort that went into the (quite brilliant) artwork, I’m surprised the station names are entirely unreadable near the city center. Transit Maps says: Despite the name, Line 3 is actually the first Metro line constructed in Qingdao, opening in two stages from 2015. In typical Chinese style, it’ll be joined […]

Submission – Official Map: Metro de Santiago, Chile, 2017

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Official Maps

Submitted by moon-monolith, who says: This is the current map (as of May ‘17). This version has the definitive design for the newer lines under construction (Line 3 and Line 6). And finally, they’ve decided not to include the airport on the map, even tho’ there’s some rumors floating around that a planned extension of Line 1 or a new “Line 7” could reach it once and for all. Transit Maps says: This is a […]

Submission – Fantasy Map: Split Rapid Railway, Croatia by Voystok

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Fantasy Maps

Submitted by Voystok, who says: Here’s my fantasy map for the non-existent rapid transit system of Split, Croatia! I made this as a practice project in Illustrator as I’m preparing a portfolio for a college application. The geography is largely distorted and the city lines (M1 and M2) are very disproportionate to the other lines (M3 and M4) which are suburban. I hope one day this city will have a transit system like this. Transit […]

Could a Tweak to the DC Metro Map Fix Overcrowding?

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Unofficial Maps

Here’s a quick link to an article in the Washington Post by Martine Powers about a study that shows how tinkering with Washington, DC’s Metrorail map influences rider’s perceptions of the system and which path they should take to reach their final destination. In the image above, for example, the Blue Line has been altered to look less desirable than the Yellow Line when coming into DC from the south… and in testing, there was […]

Submission – Future Fantasy Map: Vancouver’s Regional Transportation System by David Danos

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Fantasy Maps, Future Maps

Submitted by David, who says: Here is a map I made using the current Translink maps as the base-line. I decided to include trams and commuter rail as trams are in the process of being deployed in Surrey and by Granville Island, and I firmly believe we should invest in commuter rail more than just the WCE. As well, I made a lot of references to Vancouver’s and Canada’s histories, from recognising our Coast Salish […]

Submission – Strip Map for the New Moscow Central Circle Line by ArtLebedev Studios

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Official Maps

Submitted by Sergey, who also drew my attention to the recently-revised schematic for the entire Moscow Metro as well. However, this new strip map for the Central Circle Line really caught my eye, as it’s a fascinating approach to solving a very difficult problem: how do you concisely show a loop line (with a lot of stations!) in the narrow confines of a railcar strip map? ArtLebedev’s solution is to view the circular line from […]

Submission – Helsinki Metro Map, 1982 versus Current Map

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Historical Maps, Official Maps

Submitted by sailsandrails, who says: I’ve been meaning to ask you this for a while: what is your opinion of the original styling of Helsinki’s Metro map? (Photo taken from this site, unfortunately I couldn’t find a better one). After several revisions, the current version looks like this, which is more international in style. Personally, I think the original is surprisingly readable while being pleasantly unique in style, but I’d love to hear your thoughts. […]

Submission – Fantasy Map: Los Angeles Metro in the Style of the 1972 New York Subway Map by Cullen McCormick

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Fantasy Maps

Submitted by Cullen, who says: A few months back you answered a question of mine with some tips for preparing artwork for inkjet printing. Everything printed great, so thanks again for your help! Thought you might enjoy seeing the finished map. Transit Maps says: I always say that if you’re going to do an “in the style of” map, you should aim to replicate the source as closely as possible. That’s how you learn what made […]

Official Map: Victorian Train Network, Australia, 2017

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Official Maps

I’ve got a whole slew of requests for a review of this recently released map, so hold onto your hats! First off, this map is the final result of a three year process – Transit Maps reviewed an initial concept back in April 2014 – so it’s definitely taken a while to reach this final form. The gradual adoption of a new corporate identity for Public Transport Victoria (PTV), complete with a custom typeface called […]