All posts tagged: metro

Submission – Unofficial Map: Chongqing Rail Transit Map, China

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Unofficial Maps

Submitted by Rob and Roger. Rob has this to say: I’m seeing a lack of Asian transit systems, so heres a map of the Chongqing one in central China. I couldn’t find any official one, but I found this really nice one on Wikipedia, but it seems to be designed and made by 云淡风轻.  Transit Maps says: This is a nice, simple, no-nonsense transit map that lays out the existing rail transit lines in Chongqing very […]

Historical Maps: Two Futures for the Tyne & Wear Metro, England

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Future Maps, Historical Maps

Here’s a pair of interesting future planning maps for the Tyne & Wear Metro, a raid transit/light rail system in the northeast of England. The first, from September 2001, shows a plan to extend the network with street-running feeder trams, as shown by the light blue route lines. Note that the map indicates the extension to Sunderland as open, even though this wasn’t actually completed until 2002. According to the plan, this was a future […]

Before and After – Montreal Metro Map, 2015

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Official Maps, Visualizations

Pursuant to the last post, here’s a little GIF I screen grabbed from the STM video of the old map versus the new one. Farewell, iconic 37-degree tilt! Also of note: the type is much, much smaller and – strangely, given how much they tout the awesomeness of mixed-case type in the wayfinding system – is still set in all-caps. I’ll reserve my judgement until I see the whole map, however.

Video: New Wayfinding Signage and Map for the Montreal Metro!

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Official Maps

Sent my way by Patrick and Steve, here’s a short video from Montreal’s STM agency explaining the new wayfinding system that’s starting to be rolled out across the Metro system. The major talking point (for me, at least) is the replacement of Univers with FF Transit as the system’s main typeface. It’s a very complementary choice, and I doubt most people would even notice the difference in passing. However, I think there’s definitely enhanced legibility, […]

Submission – Official Map: Rail Transit of Rome, 2015

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Official Maps

Submitted by Kevin McElroy, who says: The Rome Metro has only had 2 lines for quite sometime. For such a famous European capital the metro system is pretty simple. Metro C is a new line opened in the southeastern portion of the city and extends out into the periphery. It is planned to eventually cross the historic center, though for now isn’t all funded. They updated the Metro map with lines, A, B, B1 (a […]

Historical Map: July 22, 1974 Sketch of the Washington DC Metro Map by Lance Wyman

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Historical Maps

Here’s a fantastic bit of Washington Metro history that I hadn’t seen before: an original working drawing of the now-iconic map from 1974, two years before the system opened (see the opening day map here). Interestingly, it looks like Wyman was experimenting with textural treatments for the route lines at this time – stripes for the Red Line, stars for the Blue, etc. – an idea I’m ever so glad he abandoned, because it would […]

Submission – Unofficial Map: Oslo T-Bane by Simon Heidenreich

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Unofficial Maps

Submitted by Simon, who says: Hey there! I read your blog for a while now and, being sort of interested in graphical line maps, I made my first own one. I recently moved to Oslo and I saw you already had the official one on here, and a reinterpretation. The corporate identity of Ruter, the transit authority here is already pretty nifty; the metro map sort of falls short a little on that behalf (in […]

Future Map: Grand Paris Express Line 15 Circular Map

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Future Maps

Spotted by Theo Ditsek, here’s a lovely circular representation of the planned “Grand Paris Express” Line 15, which will eventually circumnavigate greater Paris. I believe the first phase (shown above as the bolder arc of the circle) is meant to be operational by 2022, although it’s reportedly already two years behind schedule. The map itself was part of an exhibition about the project that was held in Vitry-sur-Seine, seen at the bottom right of the map. […]

Submission – Photo: Cross-section of Brussels Midi/Zuid Station Complex

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Cutaway Maps, Historical Maps

Submitted by Piotr Ingling, who says: Not exactly a transit map but seeing your post with NY subway stations drawings recalled me this one. It’s a photo that I took in Dec 2004 – unfortunately it seems that the board has been removed long time ago during renovation works. I hope it is preserved somewhere. There are two levels here for metro and trams (underground part of tram network is called pre-metro as it’s ready […]

Submission – Unofficial Map: Radial Madrid Rail Transit Map by David Herraiz

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Unofficial Maps

Submitted by David, who says: For some time now, I’ve been busy designing a Madrid transit map, and your blog has been a great help. It’s fantastic to have access to all this information and, first of all, I wanted to thank you for running this blog. Your comments are always helpful. Latest Madrid Metro maps were, so to speak, not very appropriate and, even without previous experience in map design – I’ve always been […]