All posts tagged: metro

Official Map: Chicago Regional Transportation Authority “Rail Connections” Map, 2015

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Official Maps

Submitted by Michael Whalen (amongst others), who says: I just stumbled upon this map showing all CTA/Metra/SouthShore train connections in Chicago. There’s a lot going on, but I like how its much more diagrammatic than the regular map. I see several things that they’ve done with this map that I know you will hate, but I thought I’d leave it here for your critique anyway. Transit Maps says: There may be a few small things […]

Submission – Unofficial Map: Guangzhou Metro Map from Wikipedia

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Unofficial Maps

Submitted by Nate, who says: In response to the Guangzhou Metro map (August 2015, 3 stars), I found this one on Wikipedia (by H2NCH2COOH), which pretty much addresses all the problems you outlined on the previous map submitted by ‘Tony’. Transit Maps says: It does, indeed! The addition of the rivers and islands of the city add some nice geographical clues to the map, and the APM inset looks much neater in its own little […]

Submission – Official Map: Guangzhou Metro, Guangdong, China, 2015

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Official Maps

Submitted by Tony, who says: I love this official transit map on Guangzhou metro, it’s simple and clean and has just enough detail to not confuse you. Only thing I hate is the interchange station symbol it looks big and bulky when compared to the rest of the map. Your thoughts? Transit Maps says: Yes, this is certainly a fine example of a clean, simple diagrammatic transit map. There’s nothing else at all to draw […]

Fantasy Map: San Francisco Muni Metro in the Style of the New York Subway Map

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Fantasy Maps, Mash-Up Maps

Created by DeviantArt member Maphead354, this is pretty spot-on, right down to the MTA-styled “MUNI” logo and condensed serif font for park names. Of course, the letter designations for lines at every single station starts to look a bit silly with so few lines, but that’s part of the fun of the mash-up, I guess. Amusingly, just like in New York, other rail systems get relegated to thin blue ticked route lines. In NY, it’s […]

Future Maps: Strip Maps for Los Angeles Metro Rail in 2024, by Steve Boland

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Future Maps, Unofficial Maps

Nice work here from Steve, adapting the current Metro strip maps into their future forms – with consistent letter designations for all the lines (starting to roll out now, I believe), the new Pink “L” Line designation for the proposed northern branch of the current Green Line to Aviation/96th, the new configurations of the current Blue and Gold Lines once the Regional Connector opens in 2020, and the first phase Purple “C” Line extension to […]

Unofficial Map: Bologna SFM Map from Wikipedia

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Unofficial Maps

Following on from yesterday’s post, here’s the better unofficial map of Bologna’s under-construction SFM rail network, created by user “Friedrichstrasse” on the Wikimedia Commons.  Unlike the official map, this one has firmly decided to be a diagram, and the clarity is greatly increased because of it. However, it also shows less information than the official one – no indication of bus interchanges or longer-distance regional or high-speed trains here – so it’s not a like-for-like comparison […]

Submission – Official Map: Servizio Ferroviario Metropolitano, Bologna, Italy, 2015

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Official Maps

Submitted by Kevin McElroy, who says: I was recently reading the Wikipedia article about the Servizio Ferroviario Metropolitano (Metropolitan Railway Service) for Bologna, Italy and a user-uploaded map of the system is drastically better than the official map. You should check it out and see if you might want to do a map review on it. The strange thing is that the logo and branding for the service is actually a pleasant design but the […]

Unofficial Map: Metro Map of Sofia, Bulgaria by “Save Sofia”

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Unofficial Maps

Submitted by Andrej Zografski, who says: Our NGO Spasi Sofia/Save Sofia, (founded and run by five forum members of the SkyScraperCity) have designed and implemented new signs for Sofia metro. It is our free gift to the society we live in and input towards a better, more organized and welcoming Bulgarian capital. Now the first test stage is being implemented, and if it is successful in September we should put the new signs in the […]

Submission – Houston METRORail Future System Plan

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Future Maps

Submitted by Caden, who just enigmatically comments, “Houston: sigh” Transit Maps says: Caden’s sigh took me a little while to interpret (is he in love?), but I’m going to take a guess that he’s actually referencing some grand rapid transit plans – in a very car-centric city – that are now beginning to fade away. While the Red, (Green) East End and (Purple) Southeast lines are now operational, funding for the Blue University Line has completely […]

Fantasy Map: St. Jacques Metro Map by “Green Kitten”

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Fantasy Maps

Um, wow? An incredibly detailed transit network for the fictional metropolis of “St. Jacques” drawn and lettered entirely by hand on what looks like 12 sheets of A4 paper.  Obviously taking its design and geography cues from London – the symbology used is almost identical to the Tube Map, it has a river that crosses from east to west just south of the city centre, an airport to the southwest and a pretty good analog for the […]